Jaded HR: Your Relief From the Common Human Resources Podcasts
Jaded HR is a Human Resources podcast about the trials and tribulations of life in a human resources department….or just a way for Human Resources Professionals to finally say OUT LOUD all the things they think throughout their working day.
Jaded HR: Your Relief From the Common Human Resources Podcasts
Jon Hyman Joins Us To Review His Worst Employers of 2022
We're very pleased to welcome back Jon Hyman as a return guest to discuss his Worst Employers of 2022.
Vote Now: https://www.ohioemployerlawblog.com/2022/12/vote-for-worst-employer-of-2022.html
- Is the Chesapeake Walmart where the shooting happened a Worst Employer?
- Your Nominees are:
- The Active Shooter
- The Cancerous Employment Canceler
- The Hurricane Haranguer
- The Murder Enabler
- The Shitty Supervisor
- The Slaughtering Supervisor
- The Slumlord Supervisor
- A not so honorable mention: Vince McMahon
Please go vote now for your favorites. Winner/Loser will be announced December 21st.
Find Jon Hyman:
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Follow Cee Cee on IG - BoozyHR @ https://www.instagram.com/boozy_hr/